Some Harsh Realities Of This Merciless World..🥀🥀

Javeria Sheikh
6 min readJan 18, 2022

No doubt this world is very beautiful but in this world many people making it worse. As you know that the people of this world are extremely merciless. They will not leave you whether you are happy or sad. People will laugh at your grief and will be sad about your happiness. They will pull your leg when you are on the ladder of success and will motivate you when you are about to do something bad.

Here are some harsh realities of this merciless world or its merciless people:

°We are destroying nature:

This world is full of beautiful nature such as trees, flowers, the sea, lakes, rivers, oceans, beaches, mountains, valleys, forests, islands, etc. But now for our comfort and amenity, We are destroying nature. We cut trees for furniture. We throw garbage in the sea or river. Even though we are killing animals instead of loving them or raising them. If we continue to destroy nature like this we will not be able to live in this world happily.

°Money is everything nowadays:

In today’s world money is everything. In this world, If you are wealthy you can even buy a human being. People will respect you for your money. You can control your good and bad deeds with your money. You can buy power with your money. People will listen to you just because of your wealth. Everyone in this world is willing to earn more and more money just for the sake of power or authority.

°Expectations always hurt:

This world is full of expectations but in the end, it always hurt us. Every person in this world expects something from someone. Maybe someone expects love in return from someone, maybe he expects money, maybe someone is expecting Satanic knowledge from his devil master, maybe any kind-hearted person is expecting kindness from his beloved one, maybe someone is expecting a good job according to his skill, maybe a son expecting a good gift from his parents, etc. But as you know that not everyone can get what he want. Sometimes your expectations become too high which hurts you more if they are not fulfilled. It’s not needed that every expectation hurt you, some will be fulfilled but mostly expectations hurt you in the end. So don’t expect anything from anyone just do your best and forgot about everything after this expectations will not hurt you anymore.

°You cannot make everyone happy:

In this merciless world, you cannot make everyone happy. Even if you try to please some people at the same time, you can’t do it. If you make someone happy, the other person will get angry with you somewhere. Just, for example, you can’t make your wife and boss happy at the same time, if you work more in the office to make your boss happy your wife will be angry with you for not having a good time with her. So don’t try to please everyone. Always try to make yourself happy.

°Friends and Family are not available every time:

According to human nature, it is proven that whenever a person is in a need he always wants his family and friends for his support. But unfortunately family and friends are not available to you every time. Everyone in this world has their battle to fight with. Everyone in the world is fighting with their problems. Everyone is struggling for a better life. So sometimes in this struggle, they are not there to help you, even if you are going through the most difficult time of your life. That’s why don’t be disappointed by them, because if they are not there to support you then they must have their excuses and problems.

°Everyone is a bit selfish:

This world is full of selfishness. Every single person in the world is little a bit selfish in any way. Everyone wants his profit in every work. People always keep themselves first in every situation. Then whether it’s about business or coming first in class, or whether it is about his beloved one’s attention, and whether it’s about saving someone’s life. Of course, before saving the lives of thousands of people, any human being will try to save his own life. Everyone wants to choose the best thing for himself. People want to have the best style of living, the best clothes to wear, the best food to eat, the best vehicle to travel, the best partner for life, the best job, etc, etc. Sometimes a person doesn’t even care about the feelings of other people to achieve his goal, that is why sometimes others do not care about the feelings of that person and they become selfish too.

°Deceiving is very common now:

Nowadays in this world deceiving someone is very common. Every other person is cheating someone whether it’s business or a relationship. Although it is difficult for everyone to stand firm after being deceived, people still deceive others somewhere. Nowadays friends are deceiving their friends, people who are in relationships are deceiving their partners by getting involved with another person, our close relatives deceiving us in many issues. We are even deceived by our relatives, such as sisters brothers spouses children, etc. So the solution to this problem is to “be real and loyal to others, others will certainly be real and loyal to you because the reward of action is the real thing. What you give to others, others will return to you no matter what. Whether it’s love, hate, loyalty or fraud, etc.”


In today’s selfish world, people have lack emotions. They become insensitive. They don’t care about others. In today’s world, people can kill anyone to achieve their goals. Even in the hearts of many people, there is no soft spot for animals. They kill animals with cruelty and take pride in killing them. They even don’t love nature. They become happy while destroying flowers, trees, and many other beautiful things. They disturb the surrounding environment for their enjoyment. They do not show kindness to other humans or animals. People don’t care about other people’s feelings, even if other people love them. But if they remain insensitive like this, one day they will lose everything. No one will be ready to help anyone, no one will love anyone. And then one day man will destroy this world just because of his selfishness and insensitivity.

°Negativity is Everywhere:

In today’s world negativity is everywhere. Even if you do something good for others, they will first take it negatively then probably think about it positively. Because, as I mentioned before, cheating or deceiving people is very common nowadays so people hardly trust others. Just because of the dishonesty of some people everyone in this world is scared of trusting others blindly. To remove negativity from this world we have to spread positivity with our efforts and affection as much as we can.

°Media and Social Media are ruining our lives:

As we all know that in today’s world Media and Social media is the best way to communicate with people, also with those whom you don’t even know. But unfortunately, these two big platforms are misguiding us by promoting hate and negativity. They make us scared by telling us every negative thing prominently. Such as they promote domestic violence in their videos, they promote rape attempts by showing nude girls in movies or videos, they even promote suicide due to depression by showing different tactics, etc, etc. They are so many negative things are available on media and especially on social media. They don’t care about people, they only care about their ratings and popularity. Unfortunately, we have become so addicted to social media that we can’t even imagine living without it. If we don’t use social media one day, we won’t be able to spend that day easily. It is only because of this social media that we ruin our many beautiful moments that may become memorable in the future.


Live your life happily. Don’t be depressed by little things. Be real and loyal to others. Love and help others they will also love and help you in return. Don’t believe in media and social media blindly and also don’t depend on them. Don’t waste your whole life just making money, take time to spend that money in your life too. Don’t depend on anyone except yourself. Don’t deceive anyone. And the least but most importantly don’t destroy nature keep it safe for yourself because nature can live long without you but you can’t even live one day without nature.

